
Burma Protest

The Burmese army carried out systematic killings and rape of several hundred Rohingya Muslims in Tula Toli village in Rakhine State on August 30, 2017. The massacre was part of the military’s campaign of ethnic cleansing that has forced more than 645,000 Rohingya to flee to neighboring Bangladesh since late August.

Upon such brutality MAS Group were amongst the first who protested against the such a massacre against the Muslims in this world. MAS Group protest along with their leaders Mian Abdul Samad CEO MAS GROUP – Eastern Housing Lahore and Mian Wamiq Anwer Chairman MAS Group at the round about liberty chowk Lahore.

CEO MAS Group were of the opinion that such brutality may that be against Muslims or any other religion is inhumane and we will always protest against such brutal acts against humans in the entire world, further he said we call upon all other countries to protest and take strong action against such act by Burmese army.